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Oldies but Goodies: Selfie

A painting I did of myself back in college. Still a favorite of mine that still feels like it captures me.

Christmas Paintings

My niece was born this year and naturally it meant more paintings for the family

Painting Self-care

Sometimes it's good to paint without any real intent aside from just the act of painting.

Dog Paintings

Gotta honor my favorite doggies with some paintings

Monster Pillow

I had bought a pillow that didn't match with the rest of our living room so I thought I'd paint it with a character that matched our color scheme. I wanted to create it in the rubber hose style of cartoons, specifically inspired by the game Cuphead so I spent time sketching in the style.

Pug Olympics

My sister's birthday was coming up and she was moving into her first apartment so I wanted to gift her something functional but special. I know she liked plants so I got her a watering can and painted little pugs in various poses. The letters scattered throughout spell out her name.


After going on a trip to the Philippines, I felt like I needed to connect with my roots - part of that was spending time with family I either hadn't seen in 20 years or hadn't met before. While we were there, my uncle shared these portraits from when my grandma and grandpa (Lola and Lolo in Tagalog) were younger that I had never seen before and I wanted to pay homage to their legacy in a way that was meaningful for me. These are oil paintings on canvas.


It was my nephew's my first Christmas so I wanted to capture the moment with a painting
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